Sunday, October 31, 2010

Best Cereal Ever

Remember Dunkin Donuts cereal by Ralston from the '80's?  What ever happened to the tooth ruining yumminess that looked like Cheerios but tasted like pure sugar!  It was kiddie-crack! 

They had the regular flavor that had that powdery donut taste; chocolate that had that fake chocolate after taste that forced you to eat more to get the chocolate taste back, and then it went bad again so you ate more, etc.  They also had the galzed taste....that...what's wrong with this cereal? taste! 


The best part was when the box was empty and you'd shake the bag frantically trying to get the sugary sweet cereal dust to settle on top of your bowl of milk so you could slurp down every last bit of the flavor!

If you've never had this sucks to be you!  Maybe we should all lobby congress and Raslton and force them to give us back our childhood happiness.  ~sighs~

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Secret Asylum Livessssssssssssssssssssssssss

Picture from: 

As the summer comes to a close and the cold winds invade your bones; As the Earth prepares for the winter and your minds begin looking for shelter: The creaking doors of your Secret Asylum is now open for your pleasures.

Come home patients and take your daily dose of chatting and posting. You’ll find solace here among your own: conspiracists; ufologists; pagans; physicists’; theologians; philosophers; revolutionaries; freethinkers; secret keepers; musicians; and everyone strange…

There are forum topics for everything twisted and odd. Our chat rooms nocturnal high jinks kick off daily at 6pm U.S. Central time, and membership for you Tourists is always free. And remember: ”Shhh…They’re Listening!” <---so type!

Monday, October 19, 2009

NASA find of an Astroid heading for the Earth = doomsday?

[An astroid impacts the Earth: unknown author]
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration is tracking the asteroid Apophis on its course around our sun. It can be viewed from the Earth in 2029 as it passes our planet (a near miss), and may impact the Earth during its second pass in 2036. For further details please visit the following web site: